Our Quarantined Life: Part 7 with Rayson Choo

This quarantined conversation with Rayson took place on May 5th, 2020, at the height of the world-wide Coronavirus Pandemic. Rayson is the host of the Raygacy Show, where he is a motivational and inspirational speaker and has had the privilege of interviewing top entrepreneurs such as Gary Vaynerchuk and Grant Cardone. He is also a nurse at the Institute of Mental Health in Singapore.

I invited Rayson on today because I wanted to get his personal experience with being quarantined from Singapore with the current COVID-19 / Coronavirus crisis. There, they are also experiencing shutdowns and stay-at-home orders; however, they call it the “Circuit Breaker.” Rayson shares a little bit of how the Circuit Breaker got its name.

I first interviewed Rayson about 2 years ago in episode #59, and at that time, he had about 1000 followers on Instagram, and now, just 2 years later, he has over 10,000 followers! He was kind to give us a quick rundown of how he has been able to grow his brand so quickly.

Rayson tells us about the 5-Points to Hand Hygiene, which are, “Wash your hands…”

  1. before touching a patient,
  2. before clean/aseptic procedures,
  3. after body fluid exposure/risk,
  4. after touching a patient, and.
  5. after touching patient surroundings.

Rayson ends with encouraging everyone to take this time, while quarantined, to reconsider what it is that you want your life to be and go for it. “You only have one life to live,” he says. “No one can live your life for you, and there is only one you. It’s up to you to build the life that you want.” He encourages us to come out stronger and let yourself be known to the world. 

Follow Rayson on: 

YouTube: Raygacy Vlogs 

Facebook: Rayson Choo

Instagram: @raygacy

Rayson’s Telegram Group


Rayson mentions the book, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, which is a book about the laws of attraction, positivity, mindfulness, etc…, and you can watch Rayson’s interview with Bob Doyle here.

#covid19 #coronavirus #shelterathome #shelterinplace #quarantine #circuitbreaker #worldwide #pandemic