From the Vault: School is Not That Important!

Today, I’m doing something a little bit different. I am pulling an episode from my vault. This episode was originally recorded back in April, 2018, as “School is not THAT important.” In this episode, we talked about the importance of building a relationship over the education of your children. We referred to it as “relationship over education-ship.”

I am pulling this episode for two reasons, 1. Because I miss April! (GIRL! You can come back and record with me any time!) and 2. Because, lately, I seem to be having similar conversations, just like the ones that originally inspired the original recorded conversation.

In this episode, we talk about why school is not THAT important. The pressures for good grades and high end of year test scores contribute to rising depression, cutting, and suicide rates among middle and high schoolers. This could be related to the feeling of not measuring up among peers or the pressures that parents, teachers, and professors put on their students. What matters is recognizing these stressors in your child’s life and helping them navigate through them or not allowing them in your child’s life at all. Your relationship with your child is more important than school or any test scores, and we share why we believe that.

Since we recorded this episode, I have graduated one kid from high school, and he is currently attending college because that is what he has chosen to do. How we chose to be more relaxed during the high school years, did not affect his college academics at all. He is totally rocking the college courses and takes the initiative needed in order to make his college experience successful. He was eager to continue college after graduating and has done very well.

We believe that it’s ok to go down a road less traveled with your child’s education. It’s ok to not conform to what this world considers “normal.” Romans 12:2 actually tells us, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what is God’s good, pleasing, and perfect will.”

In both episodes, we reference:


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