Plan for a New year- Thoughts by April: Article

These days, I am thankful for reflection. Taking time to be retrospective. Pensive. Intrigued on how to enhance my future. (insert yoga pose and deep breaths).

So the start of this year finds me looking through planners as tools to help me to achieve more. Self discovery tools.

For a long time I felt stuck. Sometimes I would see an end goal, but wouldn’t know how to start. Last year I received a Passion Planner and that totally shifted my paradigm. I wish I used it more faithfully. This year I am trying a Panda Planner. But I also am going through the Law of Attraction planner .pdf style. The goal is to PLAN. And to work the PLAN!

I get excited about watching youtube videos on how to plan. Organization is my craving. I joke about having an organized me trapped inside trying to get out.

I like order. Structure. Routine. It helps me feel safe and like I have a handle on my life. These tools I started using seem to unlock hidden things in me.

The focus doesn’t just stay on “what do I have to do today.” Rather, there is reflection. What am I grateful for? Who am I thankful for? Write positive affirmations. Set healthy habits. Write goals and steps to achieve them.

My insides are screaming (at the top of their lungs) “FREEDOM”! It’s like I’ve been released to be ME. Who GOD created me to be.

I look forward to planning my day. My life. Thinking outside the box.

I want to buy highlighters and  colored pens and stickers and just go to town.

I want to blog. Podcast. Write a book. Why? Because it gives life to me. I feel that there may be something that helps another person find their own freedom in hearing my story. Now, there in lies the struggle. Because I fight myself on whether or not people would want to hear it. Or read it. I fight the fact that there seems to be so many books out there. Why should I think mine should make a difference? But why NOT? Why not give it a try? Why not add my voice of hope to the clang of society’s gloom and doom. Why not ?

My struggle to get to this point of freedom to become a better me (totally a work in progress) may help fan the flame or light the fire for someone else.

Even if I think there are others better qualified or who are already doing a wonderful job. They have influenced me. Yes. Perhaps I can just give a validating voice to what they are doing. Or help introduce them to someone hurting. Be a bridge.

Further reading