What do you do when you have a free moment?

I actually have a free moment to myself. The kind of free moment when no one needs something from you. And you don’t have to feel guilty for doing whatever you want! Kids and dog are with grandparents. (THANK YOU THANK YOU! #bestgrandparentsever) and my husband is having some long over due guy time (or atleast I think it’s overdue 🙂

Anyhow, I had several ideas run through my head and then I started to do them all at once (make paleo dessert, write a blog, stalk future interviewees, do taxes, update budget, read a book, watch a movie, have a margarita.) And then I started to cry because I was feeling anxious as I got sidetracked while sharing Episode 14 to my Facebook page and I felt my only chance of a free night get the life sucked out of it. But I was able to pull away from FB. I regained composure and remembered the little tips I gave in the above mentioned episode. I knew I needed to put all the things I wanted to do down on paper (conveniently posted above) so I could see them and make a decision. And now I am setting a timer because I want to do atleast 3 of those things.

First timer is up…


Further reading