Truth in the Tinsel with Author Amanda White

Truth in the Tinsel is an amazing children’s Christmas e-book that will lead you through scripture passage with a corresponding ornament craft with talking points for you and your kids. Amanda White wrote it as a memory-builder for your family, and we are honored to share this with you today.

Amanda also has another book that is relevant to celebrating the Easter Season. It’s called Sense of the Resurrection. Lent is upon us and Easter will be here before you know it. These eBooks are easy to follow (she even has YouTube Videos!) and help bring the real meaning of these Holidays to life for your kids through devotions and crafts. 

Amanda White is just a girl who wants her kids to know about Jesus. She grew up loving God, the church and all things creative. She and her husband, Les were full-time children’s ministry folks for the first few years of marriage–they traveled the country doing puppet shows, performing magic tricks and singing songs to lead kids to God and His Word. Then a few church jobs came and went and two kids came along and ministry became home-based and family-focused.

Amanda started a blog, to tell her story of motherhood and leading her kids to the Lord. This led to a few ebooks and thousands of families learning to impress God’s Word on their kids’ hearts. You can connect with her on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

AND GUESS WHAT?!! Tea of Life Listeners can receive 20% off their eBook purchase by entering the code “Teaoflife” at the link HERE!

What we chat about:

What I learned about Amanda:

  • Her Favorite Kids Bible: See with Me Bible 
  • She is a Sharer! She loves to share Jesus in all things. Not just Sunday Jesus. But Jesus in the everyday part of life.
  • She has a passion to equip Parents with tools to teach their children about Jesus in practical ways.

So check out her ebooks for Easter and Christmas at  and share it with your kids.  Oh, and when you visit her on any of her social media platforms, tell her you heard her on the Tea of Life Podcast!